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Mechatronics Engineering

Welcome to the Mechatronics Department at Musakasa Technical Training Institute. Mechatronic engineering is a new focus area in engineering that promises to become even more important in the future, both in Kenya as well as internationally. With automation as the current key to productivity, the need for mechatronics increases by the day.

Mechatronic Engineering is a field that integrates various components in different engineering disciplines – such as electronics, computer and mechanical engineering, among others – to meet the increasing demands of complex and sophisticated industries. 

In mechatronics, students are equipped with the essential skills in industrial technology and learn a combination of mechanical, electronic and computer science techniques to design, fabricate, assemble and maintain automation and modern manufacturing systems. 

Mechatronics engineering programmer encompasses three major fields, with a well-balanced focus on Electrical and Electronics, Mechanical and Robotics and Automation Engineering. The student would be instilled with fundamental engineering skills in analyzing and designing complex systems to serve the needs of the industry and to meet challenges posed by emerging technologies. 

The mechatronic laboratory is well-equipped with the latest equipment and software packages to enhance the students’ learning experience and expose them to the latest technology in the market. The course aims to provide the industry with a new generation of engineers armed with interdisciplinary skills essential in managing modern engineering tasks such as designing, maintaining, calibrating, selecting, and procuring advanced integrated systems. 

Mechatronic Engineering is offered in line with the Competency based education system. To increase students’ competence and employability, Students are required to undergo an industrial training to familiarize with the industrial needs. The industrial training allows students to learn and familiarise themselves with a real-life working environment. .

Mr. Alphonse Kibet

Head Of Department - Mechatronics Engineering